Saturday, April 17, 2010

TCI Episode 5

Chris:Today I will do a contest to see who are the best friemds in the copmititon.I don't know if I mentioned this but I will choose team captains for both teams.


Chris:For the Killer Bass Issabella will the team captain

Bloo: :(


Chris:Dawn is team captain for Screamng Gophers Okay we will do a compintition to see whose the best friends in this compition. team captains choose your 2 friends.

(at the Killer Bass)

Issabella: Bubbles and Blossom


Issabella :Phineas and Ferb

Phineas: YES!!!!!

Issabella:and Timmy and Cosmo

(at the Screaming Gophers)

Dawn:Mac and Bloo Tim and Mobyand Ash and Me


Chris: Alright lets go First up Dawn and Ash? Is this right??

Chris:Ash spill Grape Juice on Dawn shirt


Dawn:What no!!

(Ash spills juice on Dawns shirt)

Chris:Ash and Dawn are are out if you were friends then Ash would'nt have done that.

Chris:Now Mac and Bloo I want both of you to run in a relay race GO!!
(Bloo wins)

Bloo: Hah! I beat you

Chris: Mac and Bloo your out


Chris:See if you were real friends then you should have benn nice to Mac and say good game. Now Tim and Moby!! Moby if you had to do a movie on Brainpop and it was on Karate will you kick Tim so hard he had to go the hospital

Moby: Beep

Tim: he said no

Chris: Alright Tim and Moby are going to the 2nd round. Okay now Bubbles and Blossom


Chris:Girls if you had to fight Mojo Jojo who will go first

Blossom:I would

Bubbles:No I would (both beging to argue) There are both out

Chris:Phineas and Ferb if you had to build the best waterslide ever who will build it


Chris:Ferb do you argree.

Ferb nodds

Chris:Ferb and Phineas are going to the 2nd round Timmy and Cosmo if you had to wish anything what would it be

Timmy: A million dollars!



Chris:They are out so it Tim and Moby vs Phineas and Ferb. Tim would you sue Moby if he'd destroy Brainpop;



Tim:ohh I mean

Chris You said yes and yes it is The killerbass Wins!!! Phineas and Ferb gets invincibility. Screaming Gophers choose your favorite losser

TCI Episode 4

Chris: Today the 3 eliminated contestant get to choose who they want to eliminate
Number 5 who do you want to eliminate?

Number 5: Well I think Annie should be eliminate because she's to nice

Chris: Buttercup who do-


Chris:okay Rowely

Rowley uhh tought call I think Bloo should go because he's thinks he's all that!!

Chris:Okay I have the results

(Back at the Island)

Ash:Why didi'nt we do a challenge

Chris:No Questions the fist marshmelleow goes to Dawn
Number 3

Chris: Annie and Bloo the final marshmelleow goes to ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Bloo!

Bloo: YES!!!

Moby: BEEP!

Tim: Yay this is JANK!!!

Annie: Oh well I guess I don't NEED to win.Remember our ned and Wants Movie


Annie: Oh well bye!!!
(Annie leaves on the Dock of Shame)

TCI episode 3 Elimantion

The Votes have cae in the first marshmelleow goes to...................................................................................Annie
Number 3
Moby and Number 5 the final marshmelleow goes to............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Number5: Give me my Marshmelloew!!!
Chris the final marshmelleow goes to.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................MOBY!!!!!!

Moby: BEEP!!!

Tim: Phew that was a close call


Number 5:WHy me!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

Wanda:Well 1 you were a bigger threat than Moby

Moby: Beep?

Wanda: No offence Moby and 2 you called Moby the A word

Chris:Number 5 the Dock of Shame awaits

Number 5(Leaves on the Dock of SHame)

TCI Episode 3

Chris: Today's Challenge were going to play Dodgeball


Tim: Ya! your really good in Dodge Ball

Cosmo: How do you play DodgeBall?

Number 5: You throw the balls............. dummy

Chris: Ok now get to it.
(Cosmo looks at the ball and throws it at Candace)

Candace:COSMO!!!!!! Your supposed to throw the ball at them!!

Cosmo: Oh

Chris: Candace your out

Candace: But he I.....



(Moby quicky throws the ball at Bubbles)


Chris:Bubbles your out

Blossom:Thats Mean!!! You hurt Bubbles

(Throws ball)



(the ball hits Dawn in the stumoch)

Tim:Uhhm He said Duck

(Blossom throws the ball at Tim)

Chris:Dawn,Tim your out

Number 5: YOU SUCK!!!

(throws ball at Cosmo)

Chris:Cosmo your out

Cosmo: Oh well

Wanda: Hey you hurted Cosmo

Number 5: What???? He's a Dumb---

Every one looks shocked

Timmy: Did she said the A word???

Chris: yes she did

Wanda:Nobody talks that to my husband
Throws ball at Number 5

Number 5: Oh yeah
Throws ball at Wanda


Chris: Wanda,Number 5 your out

Annie: Throws ball at Greg

Greg: Oww

Annie: Sorry!!

Chris Your out Greg

Greg: Dangit

Ferb:Throws ball at Number 3 and Bloo

Chris: Number 3 and Bloo are out

Ferb throws ballat Annie


Chris:Annie your out

Moby throws ball at Phineas and Ferb

Issabella:Thats mean

Throws ball at Moby but Moby catches it

Chris your out Issabella

Chris:its Mac,Moby,Spongebob,and Ash vs Timmy

Timmy throws the ball at Spongebob Ash and Mac

Chris:You guys are out

Chris: Now its Moby vs Timmy

Moby throws the ball real hard at Timmy
but Timmy catches it



Chris:Timmy gets Incibibiliy with his team loses next time

Chris:Screaming Gophers choose your favorite looser

TCI Episode 2 Elimantion

Chris: Welcolme Back Killer Bass You know what will happen

Chris:The first marshmelleow goes to.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FERB








Chris:Blossom and Buttercup the final marshmelleow goes to............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BLOSSOM!!!

Blossom:YESS ...oh sorry Buttercup

Buttercup: WHAT!???????????!!!!!!!!! I'm not going !!
Guards take to the dock of shame I'll be back!

TCI Episode 2

Chris-Okay todays challenge is going to be hard

Ash-I'm not surpised

Chris your going to fight


Chris Which ever team gets most points wins

Chris first up is.. Dawn and Candace

Candace-Why am I always first
Dawn-pinplup go
Candace gets betten up

Dawn wins

Dawn -YESS

Next is Mac and Gerg

Greg: You want to fight Mac huh huh huh huh?

Mac pants Greg and everyone starts laughting and kicks Gregs

Chris: Mac wins this round

Mac: YAY

Chris Next is Bloo and Blossom.

Before Bloo laid a fingure on Blossom She twisted Bloo arm


Many fights have went on...... Number3 vs Timmy(Timmy wins) Number 5 vs Buttercup(buttercup pownds Number5. Tim vs Bubbles(Tim wins) Moby vs Phineas(Moby wins) Annie vs Isabella (Annie wins) Spongebob vs Cosmo (Cosmo wins) Wanda and Ash vs Ferb (Ash wins) The Killer Bass Losses AgianSo that means the Screamin Gophers win.
Killerbass vote off ypr favorite loser.

TCI episode 1 elimantion

Chris-Wecolme to the first bonfire ceremony As I could your name come get a marshmellow The person who does no recieve a marshmelleow As to leave on the boat of loosers and can't come back EVEEEEEEEEEEEER. The first marshmelleow goes to........................................................................................................................................................................

Phineas- YESS
Chris Ferb
Chris -Blossom
Chris -Buttercup
Chris- Rowely and Candace the final Marsmelleow goes to ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Buttercup-GET ON WITH IT!!!!
Chris -This is a dramatic moment!!
Chirs the final marshmelleow goest to.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CANDACE!!!!!!
Chris Rowely your out
Rowely-I guess I should'nt have said that girls are idiots
Buttercup-YOU THINK
Rowely-Oh well Bye
(Rowely leaves on the the dock of shame)

TCI Episdoe 1

Chris -Its time for your first Challenge!!

Bubbles- What are you going to make us do?(looking nervous)

Chris-Jump off a clift

Everyone- WHAT????


Tim-I told you shouldn't come they make us do ugly stuff.

Chris-You see that circle well you have to get inside of it because theres sharks outside of the circle. The killer bass first Candace your up!!!

Candace- faints and fall safely in to the circle Gets back up Hey I did it!!

Chris-Greg your up

Greg jumps in the circle

Chris -Blossom

Blossom(flys in the circle)

Buttercup sees how easy it is and does the same as Blossom

Chris-Ummmmm..... okay Bubbles

Bubbles-I'm too scared!!

Chris-Okay you don't have to jump but you have to wear this chicken hat cause your scared


Phineas wohooo!!


Rowely-My mom said that I'm not allowed to be anywhere near sharks

Chris-get the chicken hat


Isabella -I'm getting the chicken hat


Cosmo(poofs himself down)



Chris Ferb
Ferb jumps

Chris-Now for the Screaming Gophers
Chris I'm going to make this one short

Chris Spongebob

Spongebob jumps

Chris Wanda

Wanda poof herself down

Chris all brainpop people

(Tim and Moby jump)

Annie-I can't I'm too scared

Chris-get the chicken hat

Chris-KNCA people

Number 3and5 jump

Chris-Foster Home for Imaginary friends people

Mac and Bloo jump

Chris Pokemon people

Ash and Dawn jump

So umm for the Sreaming Gophers there were 1 chicken and killer bass there 3 soo the screaming gophers win!

The screaming gopher-YAAAAAAY!!!

Rowely-I cant believe this girls are such idiots!! Most did not barely jump

Buttercup: What did you say??

Chris stay tune to see who will be the first one gone

The Killer Bass

Chris-Now when I call your name go to the left Candace

Candace(on phone) And he was like Oh no you didn't! and I was like Oh yes you did!!


Greg-Sweet(trying to look cool)


Blossom- Cool

Chris Timmy

Timmy cool


Buttercup-What Ever!


Rowely- YAY!! I'm on the same team as Greg
(Greg looks embarrassed)

Chris- Bubbles


Chris Phineas

Phineas YES!!!!





Chris and last but not least Ferb


Cris you guys are going to be known as the killer bass

The Screaming Gophers

Chris(the host)-Hey welcolme to Total Cartoon Island today we are going to put the teams. Ok there going to be 2 teams As I call your name go to the right. Dawn


Chris -Mac

Mac- sure

Bloo -I hope me and Mac are on the same team!


Bloo YES!!

Chris-Number 3

Number 3-I wish Number 4 was here

Chris-Number 5

Number 3-YAY!!

Number 5 Oh Brother!



Chris -Moby



Annie- Cool Hey Moby Hey Tim




Spongebob-YAY!!! I'm ready!! I'm ready!!


Annie - That was'nt nice!


Wanda- cool!

Chris-and Ash

Chris-You guys are going to be known as the Screaming Gpohers

Friday, April 16, 2010

List of all Characters that will be in TCI

Ash -Pokemeon
Moby -Brainpop
Phineas- Phineas and Ferb
Ferb-Phineas and Ferb
Candace-Phineas and Ferb
Issabella-Phineas and Ferb
Timmy- Fairly Odd Parent
Cosmo-Fairly Odd Parennts
Wanda-Fairly Odd Parents
Mac-Fosters home for Imaginariy Friends
Bloo- Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends
Greg-Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rowely- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Number 3 -Kids Next Door
Number 5-Kids next Door

The FINAL Character

Hey guys its me and I'm going to announce the final person who's going to be in TCI
He is from Fairly Odd Parents That person is..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................COSMO!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cosmo will be in TCI


The 21st Character

Hi guys its me this character is from the Fairly Odd Parents. That will be in person is ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TIMMY TURNER Timmy will be in TCI

Status: Eliamted

The 20th Character

Hi guys!!!!!!! I'm on my 20th character 2 more to go!!!! Anyways this person is on Brainpop JR she is............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ANNIE!!!!!! yes Annie will be in TCI


The 19th Character

HI This person is from Phineas and Ferb that person is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FERB yes Ferb will be in TCI

Status: Elimanted

The 18th Character

This person is from Kids Next Door that person is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Number 5!!!!!!!! Yes she will be in TCI


The 16th and 17th Character

HII guys. This person is from also Phineas and Ferb She is .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ISABELLA,she will be TCI. There will be no picture. The 17th person is from Brainpop that person is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TIM!!!!!!! Yes Tim will be in TCI with his best friend Moby.

Status for Issabella: Elimanted

Status for Tim: Elimanted ( 4th Place Recption)

The 15th Character

Hey!!!!!! SO the this person is from Phineas and Ferb that person is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................PHINEAS!!!!!!!!! Yes Phineas will be in TCI

Status: Elimanted

The 14th Character

OK This person is from Code Name Kids Next Door that person is .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................NUMBER 3!!!!!!! Yes Number 3 is going to be on TCI (I dont care if I spell her name wrong)

Satus: Elimanted (3rd Place Recption)

The 13th Character

This Character is from Brainpop a webiste for learning that Character is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................MOBY!!!!!! Yes Moby will be in TCI

Staus: Elimanted

The 11th and 12th Characters

Hi guys. I'm not going to put a picture for these 2 characters. OK. This character is from The Powerpuff Girls this person is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BUTTERCUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Buttercup will be in TCI with her sisters. Now the next person is from Pokemon She is ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DAWN!!!! Yes Dawn wil be in TCI

Status:Buttercup is elimanted

Status:Dawn is elimated

The 9th and 10th Character

I'm going to do do 2 people in this post Okay these charcater are from Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends those people are ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................MAC AND BLOO. Yes both friends will compete in TCI.

Status for Bloo: Elimated

The 8th Character

This person is from the The Powerpuff Girls that person is..........................BUBBLES!!!! Yes Bubbles will be competing with her sister Blossom in TCI

Status: Elimanted

The 7th Character

Hi. I'm going to make the next 2 post short. So this person is also fron Diary of a Wimpy Kid is......... ROWLEY!!!!! Yes Rowley will be on TCI

Status: Eliamnted

The 6th Character

Hey guys its me. This person is from The Fairy Odd Parents that person is.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................WANDA!!!!!!!! Yes Wanda will be in TCI.

The 5th character

Okay I don't know how many characters I'm going to do today but anyways this person is from SpongeBobSquarePants that person is .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................SPONGEBOB!!!! yes Spongebob will be in TCI

Status: Elimanted ( 5th Place recption)

The 5th character

The 4th Character

Hi guys know were have a girl. This person is from Phineas and Ferb that person is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
CANDACE!!! Yes Candace will be in TCI!!
Status: Elimanted

The Third Character

Hi were back with a guy. This person id from the Book Diary of a Wimpy Kid. That person is............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GREG HEFFELY!!!!!!!!! Yes Greg will be in TCI


The Second Character

Hey guys the second character is a girl. SHe's from The Powerpuff Girls is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BLOSSOM! yes Blossom from the powerpuff girls will be on TCI

Status: Elimanted

The first Character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HI!! one of the people that will be on TCI is.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Ash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Ash from Pokemon is going to be on TCI.


My own show on the Internet:)

Hey guys its me JoelJanisa and I think I should do a show! it like Total Drama Island but with Cartoon from your favorite shows. I accualy been inspired by bowling4fun2on YouTube I'm going to put up Characters from now and then. I don't know when Total Cartoon Island(TCI) will be out but I'm going to start uploading videos today.