Saturday, April 17, 2010

TCI Episode 3

Chris: Today's Challenge were going to play Dodgeball


Tim: Ya! your really good in Dodge Ball

Cosmo: How do you play DodgeBall?

Number 5: You throw the balls............. dummy

Chris: Ok now get to it.
(Cosmo looks at the ball and throws it at Candace)

Candace:COSMO!!!!!! Your supposed to throw the ball at them!!

Cosmo: Oh

Chris: Candace your out

Candace: But he I.....



(Moby quicky throws the ball at Bubbles)


Chris:Bubbles your out

Blossom:Thats Mean!!! You hurt Bubbles

(Throws ball)



(the ball hits Dawn in the stumoch)

Tim:Uhhm He said Duck

(Blossom throws the ball at Tim)

Chris:Dawn,Tim your out

Number 5: YOU SUCK!!!

(throws ball at Cosmo)

Chris:Cosmo your out

Cosmo: Oh well

Wanda: Hey you hurted Cosmo

Number 5: What???? He's a Dumb---

Every one looks shocked

Timmy: Did she said the A word???

Chris: yes she did

Wanda:Nobody talks that to my husband
Throws ball at Number 5

Number 5: Oh yeah
Throws ball at Wanda


Chris: Wanda,Number 5 your out

Annie: Throws ball at Greg

Greg: Oww

Annie: Sorry!!

Chris Your out Greg

Greg: Dangit

Ferb:Throws ball at Number 3 and Bloo

Chris: Number 3 and Bloo are out

Ferb throws ballat Annie


Chris:Annie your out

Moby throws ball at Phineas and Ferb

Issabella:Thats mean

Throws ball at Moby but Moby catches it

Chris your out Issabella

Chris:its Mac,Moby,Spongebob,and Ash vs Timmy

Timmy throws the ball at Spongebob Ash and Mac

Chris:You guys are out

Chris: Now its Moby vs Timmy

Moby throws the ball real hard at Timmy
but Timmy catches it



Chris:Timmy gets Incibibiliy with his team loses next time

Chris:Screaming Gophers choose your favorite looser

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