Friday, May 21, 2010

TCI Episode 9

At the boy's cabain

Tim:Wow I'm hungry

Moby: Beep

Tim yay lets go the kitchen

Mac: Can I come?

Tim: Sure and besides were the only people awake

Outside of the kitchen
Mac: i'm tired

Tim:Me too thats why 'm going to get some coffe like what a man does

(inside the kitchen)

Chris:Chef your the worst chef in the world !!!!!!!!!!!

Chef:well I diid'nt know that if you put mintsin soda it will explode and I quite!!!!!!!!

Chris: Fine!!!!!!


Tim: I know but we all have to agree that chef's cooking is terrible

Mac: I know right

Issabella: hey guys Whaca doin'

Mac: Chef's leaving

Issabella:Wow its already the 8 in the morning and I'm hearing bad things

At 11:00am

Chris: your challenge is you need to find a new chef somewhere in the world


Chris: Because are other one's a jerk!!!!

Mac: I know Frankie(calls Frankie on his phone Hey Frankie can you come and be the chef


Spongebob:Mr.Krabs come over and be our chef

Mr Krabs: Okay

Chris: What only 2 people are chef's (Chris tries the food)Mr.Krabs yor the new chef

Mr Krabs and Spongebob : YAY!!!

Mac and Frankie :(

Chris:Pick a loser but Mac and Spongebob

Saturday, May 15, 2010

TCI Episode 8 Elimaniton

Chris: The first marshmallow goes to Candace
Numbuh 3 and Greg the final Marshmallow goes to ...................................................................................................................................... Numbhuh 3

Numbuh 3: YAY!!!!

Greg: I can't leave I'm Greg Heffely I'm the star of Diary of a Wimpy Kid!!

(guards take Greg and buts him on the boat of losers)
Greg:I'll be back!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TCI Episode 8

Chris: Today your going to do something thats gross.

Candace: I'm not surprised.

Chris:Were going to eat the digusting food ever!

Phineas: This looks delicous!

Chris:Today the teams are merged!


Chris: Its Boys vs Girls Each person will have to eat something. Who wants to go first?

Ash:Lady's first!

Issabella: I'll eat first.

(at confessionals)

Issabella: I just said that to get things over with

Chris: Issabella your fist meal is to drink fly pee!

Issabella looks like she's going to throw up

Chris:If you throw up your out!

Issabella: Now you tell me??????????

Isabella: dirnks the fly pee but then throws up

Chris: Your out


Spongebob:I'll go

Chris:Spongebob you have to drink water

Spongebob: That's easy!

Chris:Toliet Water

Spongebob:Thats still easy

Spongebob drinks the water without throwing up

Chris:Spongebob your safe

Chris:Wanda your up You have to eat a live dog!

Wanda eats the dog without throwing up

Many barfs and disguestingness has gone and now it done to Numbuh 3 and Greg

Chris:Numbuh 3 you have to eat a rubber band

Numbuh 3 eats the ruber band without throwing up

Chris:Good! Now Greg the finalb digusting food ever. You have to eat the chees!

Greg faints

Greg:I have to eat the cheese are you out of your mine!!!!!!

When Greg eats slice out of the cheese he throws up and everyone does to.
Chris: Looks like all of you sre going to be in the bonfire cerimony choose your favorite looser

Sunday, May 9, 2010

TCI Episode 7

Chris:for the next 3 episdoes were going to be asking the elimated contested who they want to vote off. Lets start off with the first elimated contestant the the one now.Rowely

Rowely:I don't know there's alot of nice people in the show I guess Cosmo

Chris: Buttercup

Buttercup: Cosmo should leave

Chris: Numbuh 5

Numbuh 5:Uhh Rather Cosmo or Timmy I really don't care.


Annie: I don't know there's alot off very nice people in the show I don't know I'm not voting off any one!


Bloo:ASH!!!! He's the reason why I'm here!

Chris:Okay ,Okay Dawn

Dawn:Ash I want him to be here


Bubbles: Uhh Cosmo.........

(Back at island)

Chris:Cosmo your coming with me! You've been elimanted


Timmy:Hey! He is going anywhere without me

Chris: Alright then your elimanted to

Timmy:What no I mean

Chris:To the Dock of Shame

(Timmy and Cosmo to the Dock of Shame)

(at the resort)

Bloo:Why is Timmy here?

TCI Episode 6 Elimantion

(at confessionals)

Candace:It was hard to vote off someone So I had to choose Greg

Greg: I choose Bubbles


Cosmo:Uhhh.. I vote for Timmy to win! What is this what I'm voting for

Bubbles: Everyone is so nice.......................... Greg

Blossom: Greg




(back at island)

Chris:The first marshmellow goes to............................ Issabella


Were down to the Bottom 3..........................................................................................Timmy!

Timmy:Thew! Close Call

Chris:Greg and Bubbles the final Marshmellow goes to.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Greg!



Chris:Bubbles your out

Bubbles:Oh well I did good Blossom I want you to fight hard and wim Total Cartoon Island!


(Bbbles leaves on Dock of Same)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Episode 6

Chris: Today were going to play a game of hide and seek

Candace:Really hide and seek? Those are for baby's!

Chris:Oh no its the deluxe version of Hide and Seek. If Chef Hatchet(the chef/cohost)
finds and squirts you with ketchup your out. The last person standing is out. GOOO!

(everyone goes)

Phineas:Come on Ferb we have to hide Greg do you want to come?

(at confessionals)

Greg:Eversince Rowely was elimanted I'm starting to think that Phineas and Ferb can be my new best friends!

(back on island)

Phineas :Mac,do you want to come


Greg:But he's on the other team!


Ferb:I doesn't matter who the person is it just if there a friend or not

Mac,Phineas,Ferb,and Greg hide in a hole

Tim:Come on Moby


Ash: Can I come?

Tim: Uhhhhhhhhh No

Spongebob:I'll hide with you

Ash: This is'nt going to be fun

Tim and Moby hide at the place they do the bofirecermony

Ash and Spongebob hide in a cave

Wanda:Timmy Cosomo let hide

Wanda,Timmy,and Cosmopoof into the bathroom

Blossom: Bubbles lets go hide

Bubbles:Wait! Lets invite Numbuh 3

Blossom: Oh... alright...Numbuh 3

Numbuh 3: Yes?

Blossom: Do you want to hide with us

Numbuh 3: Okay Oh can we invite Issabella and Candace

Blossom: uhhhh


Issabela,Candace,Blossom,Bubbles and Nubuh 3 hide in akithen

Chef:Lets see uhh I need someting to eat (goes to the kitchen)

Numbuh 3: He's here


Chef:Ha! I found you (splirts Issabella,Bubbles,Blossom,Candace and Numbuh 3 with Ketchup.) There out!

(at the cave)

Spongebob:I think I hear something


SPongebob:A BEAR!

Ash:There's no bears!


They both scream and run into Chef.Chef splats them with ketchup

Chef:Your out

In the bathroom

Chef:I need to go

Chef opens the door and Wanda,Timmy,and Cosmo are there. Chef splats them with ketchup you guys are out

At the hole Chef see's evryone and splts them with ketchup

Chef:Your out

Chris:Thats all of them

Phineas:Where's Tim and Moby

Chris:Well they win.



The Screaming Gophers win

The screaming Gophers:YES!!

Chris:Killerbass elimante someone

Episode 5 Elimantion

Chris: 2 people will be eliminated today
(everyone Gasps)

Chris:The first marsh mellow goes to ................. Numb uh 3!

Numbuh 3: YAY!

Sponge bob
Bloo,Ash,and Dawn the final marsh mellow goes to.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ASH!!!!



Bloo:I can't leave !!! Mac!

Mac: Oh my gosh how are you eliamted???

Bloo:I don't know but won't leave!
(guards take Bloo and throw him in the dock of shame)

Bloo: Bye Mac :(

Mac:Bye Bloo:(

(Frankie and the everyone at Foster's Home watches this)

Frankie: What this is not right?!?!?!?!?

Eduardo: Well at least Adzuel coming back


Chris:Dawn your Dock of Shame awaits

Dawn: I can;t leave I'm the team captain

Chris: Numbuh 3 your the new team captain

Numbuh 3: YAY!

(Dawn leaves on the dock of shame)

(At the confessionals)

Tim:Wow that was pretty shocking elimation

Mac:I can't believe Bloo's gone

Ash: Thew I thought I was going to be elimated Because all o the votes was for me and Dawn and I switched the votes that was for me to Bloo

Chris: Wow Ash a dark side

Mac: I can't believe Ash did that

Tim: That was'nt cool!


Numbuh 3: Ash has dark side OMG

Wanda: I have nothing to say

Spongebob:Me too