Saturday, May 8, 2010

Episode 6

Chris: Today were going to play a game of hide and seek

Candace:Really hide and seek? Those are for baby's!

Chris:Oh no its the deluxe version of Hide and Seek. If Chef Hatchet(the chef/cohost)
finds and squirts you with ketchup your out. The last person standing is out. GOOO!

(everyone goes)

Phineas:Come on Ferb we have to hide Greg do you want to come?

(at confessionals)

Greg:Eversince Rowely was elimanted I'm starting to think that Phineas and Ferb can be my new best friends!

(back on island)

Phineas :Mac,do you want to come


Greg:But he's on the other team!


Ferb:I doesn't matter who the person is it just if there a friend or not

Mac,Phineas,Ferb,and Greg hide in a hole

Tim:Come on Moby


Ash: Can I come?

Tim: Uhhhhhhhhh No

Spongebob:I'll hide with you

Ash: This is'nt going to be fun

Tim and Moby hide at the place they do the bofirecermony

Ash and Spongebob hide in a cave

Wanda:Timmy Cosomo let hide

Wanda,Timmy,and Cosmopoof into the bathroom

Blossom: Bubbles lets go hide

Bubbles:Wait! Lets invite Numbuh 3

Blossom: Oh... alright...Numbuh 3

Numbuh 3: Yes?

Blossom: Do you want to hide with us

Numbuh 3: Okay Oh can we invite Issabella and Candace

Blossom: uhhhh


Issabela,Candace,Blossom,Bubbles and Nubuh 3 hide in akithen

Chef:Lets see uhh I need someting to eat (goes to the kitchen)

Numbuh 3: He's here


Chef:Ha! I found you (splirts Issabella,Bubbles,Blossom,Candace and Numbuh 3 with Ketchup.) There out!

(at the cave)

Spongebob:I think I hear something


SPongebob:A BEAR!

Ash:There's no bears!


They both scream and run into Chef.Chef splats them with ketchup

Chef:Your out

In the bathroom

Chef:I need to go

Chef opens the door and Wanda,Timmy,and Cosmo are there. Chef splats them with ketchup you guys are out

At the hole Chef see's evryone and splts them with ketchup

Chef:Your out

Chris:Thats all of them

Phineas:Where's Tim and Moby

Chris:Well they win.



The Screaming Gophers win

The screaming Gophers:YES!!

Chris:Killerbass elimante someone

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