Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TCI Episode 8

Chris: Today your going to do something thats gross.

Candace: I'm not surprised.

Chris:Were going to eat the digusting food ever!

Phineas: This looks delicous!

Chris:Today the teams are merged!


Chris: Its Boys vs Girls Each person will have to eat something. Who wants to go first?

Ash:Lady's first!

Issabella: I'll eat first.

(at confessionals)

Issabella: I just said that to get things over with

Chris: Issabella your fist meal is to drink fly pee!

Issabella looks like she's going to throw up

Chris:If you throw up your out!

Issabella: Now you tell me??????????

Isabella: dirnks the fly pee but then throws up

Chris: Your out


Spongebob:I'll go

Chris:Spongebob you have to drink water

Spongebob: That's easy!

Chris:Toliet Water

Spongebob:Thats still easy

Spongebob drinks the water without throwing up

Chris:Spongebob your safe

Chris:Wanda your up You have to eat a live dog!

Wanda eats the dog without throwing up

Many barfs and disguestingness has gone and now it done to Numbuh 3 and Greg

Chris:Numbuh 3 you have to eat a rubber band

Numbuh 3 eats the ruber band without throwing up

Chris:Good! Now Greg the finalb digusting food ever. You have to eat the chees!

Greg faints

Greg:I have to eat the cheese are you out of your mine!!!!!!

When Greg eats slice out of the cheese he throws up and everyone does to.
Chris: Looks like all of you sre going to be in the bonfire cerimony choose your favorite looser

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