Thursday, June 10, 2010

TCI Episode 10 Elimantion

Chris: Everyone has recieved their marshmellows lets see in the bottom 4 they next marshmellow goes to Wanda!

Wanda: Phew

Numbuh 3: Oh no I've never been in the bottom 3

Chris: Numbuh 3

Numbuh 3: YAY

Chris: Bottom 2 Spongebob and Blossom Who will be elimanted

Blossom: Shut up

Chris: The final Marshmellow goes to........................................................................................Spongebob!!

Spongebob: YAY

Chris: Blossom your out

Blossom: This can't be!
(guards take Blossom to the Boat of Losers)

Chris: I don't know if I mentioned this but all the Pokemon,Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Powerpuff Girls are out See you next tme on Total Cartoon Island

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