Tuesday, June 15, 2010

TCI Episode 12

Phineas wakes up

Phineas: AHHHHHHHHH (go gets his toothbursh) Huh? Ferb wake up

Ferb: What

Phineas why is there water on the ground and why is it rising AHHHHHH

Tim: I heard screaming Whats Wrong

Phineas: Look down

Tim: oh my gosh

Moby: Beep

Mac: This is bad and I mean bad

Spongebob: Were all going to die!

(at he girls cabain)

Numbuh 3: EEWWW Water on the floor and my raibow monkeys will get wet!

Issabella: Ummm guys the waters rising

Wanda and Numbuh 3: What?!?!?!

Nuumbuh 3: Wanda wish us out from her!

Wanda: OK! wait I can't find my wand

Issabella: Ohhhhh

(at the boys cabain)

Mac: On 3 1...... 2......... 3!

they guys pull to get get out of the cabain but they broke the handle

Tim: Oh nno we broke the handle

Ferb: Well this just great

(at grils cabain)

Issabella: UUHHHHHH the door's jamed!

Wanda: What?!

Numbuh 3: Well never get out off here (stats crying)

(at guys cabain)

Spongebob: Were all going to die!!! (stars crying)

Phineas: Don't cry

Ferb: you'll just make it worse by adding more water

Spongebob: ok I'll stop

(2 hours later)

Tim: We got to think of something the water is already above my knee's

Mac: We'll the water is already above my stumoch!

Issabella: my dress is already wet! Wanda you keep on looking for your wand I'll try to get the door open

Numbuh 3: What can I do?

Issabella: uhhhhh make sure your Raibow Monkeys don't get wet?

Numbuh 3: Okey dokey !

Tim: Moby's stumoch and mine is already covered with water

Mac: Some of my hair is wet!

Phineas: Same here!

Ferb: Oh shut it

Tim: Wait Spongebob can you soke up all of this water?

Spongebob: I'll try

Spongebob trys

Spongebob: uhh I can't do this amount 0f wa- (spongebob drowns)


Phineas: He's a sea creature he can sur- (phineas drowns)

Tim: Noooo Moby do something Wait Moby (moby drowns)

Mac drowns

Ferb: This is all your fault

Tim: My Fault?

Ferb drowns

Tim: yeah were gonna die

(at girls cabain)

Wanda: found it! guys

Issabella and Numbuh 3 drowns

Wanda Issabella and Numbuh 3 gets

Numbuh 3 : I'm alive I'm alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanda see's the boy's cabain

Tim: Get us out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanda gets the boy out

Spongebob: We lived we lived Yes!!!

Ferb:Shut it we almost died!!! Chris where were you?

Chris: That was the challenge you had to get out of your cabain bthe girls win so a guy is getting elimented

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