Monday, June 14, 2010

TCI Episode 11 Elimantion

Candace: uuhhhhhh Who do you think we should elimante

Wanda: How about Moby

Issabella: Why

Wanda: Maybee He cheated since he's a robot

Candace: Yeah your right but we can't he has invicibility What about Tim!

Wanda: I know why we can't vote off Moby but why Tim?

Candace: To torture Moby! Since Annie's already gone they're missrablle but if Tim gets elimanted Moby will get even more missrable (evil laguther)

(at confessnals)

Chris: Wow I did not know Candace was evil

(back on island)

Candace: I'm voting for Tim Wanda

Wanda:Tim Issabella wait whre's Issabella

Issabella runs to Phineas

Issabella: Phineas, Candace and Wanda are voting off Tim

Tim: What why

Issabella: Well since they can't vote off Moby there voting off you

Moby: BEEP

Mac: I say we vote off Candace I will vote off Candace Tim

Tim: Candace Moby

Moby:Beep Beep

Tim: He said he's voting off Candace and asked ferb who's he's voting for


Chris: Time for the elimantion cermony

Chris: The first m,arshmellow goes to Moby
Numbuh 3
Tim and Candace the final marshmellow goes to.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tim: yay

Chris:Candace your out

Candace: WHAT???? read me the results

Chris: Well 1 vote for Issabella
2 votes for Tim
and 7 votes for you

Candace: GRRR wait I can be with Jermey and Stacy!!!

Candace walks into the dock of shame

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